Do this: Plant flowers near your crops to boost bee populations and environmental health
(Homesteading.news) As homesteaders we have a dual role in life: To be fiercely self-sufficient and to ensure we leave our children a healthy, thriving planet. Did you know that planting strips of flowers along the edges of their fields, farmers can not only attract more pollinating bees but actually boost their population numbers? It’s true, according to Read More

Great water-saving tips to make your plants more drought-resistant
(Homesteading.news) Whether or not you believe in man-made climate change, one thing is indisputable: that the Southwestern United States are experiencing a record-breaking drought that has lasted for around 14 years. This particular drought has the potential of becoming what is termed a “megadrought” — one which lasts more than two decades. But even if you Read More

More use of natural manure yielding better crops with less toxicity to your plants
(Homesteading.news) Long the standard used in supposed “science-based” agriculture, chemical fertilizers have largely become the norm in modern farming. But these synthetic and man-made varieties are becoming increasingly more expensive and difficult to obtain, which is driving many farmers back to good, old-fashioned animal manure. Before commercial agriculture techniques gained widespread use, farmers used composted animal Read More

Not pleased with last year’s harvest? Fix your soil
(Homesteading.news) In case you were wondering, the secret to growing success lies in your soil, so improving it is hands down the very best way to bolster your crop yield. And while many homesteaders may have been aware of that, what is less understood is the importance of gathering soil samples in a systemic way Read More

Use these fantastic organic fertilizers to grow a grander garden
(Homesteading.news) Spring is rapidly approaching and with it, warmer weather. It’s time to begin thinking about what you’re going to be planting in your various gardens this year, and, more to the point, how best to “feed” what you plant. For that, you’ll need a good organic fertilizer – one that you can make yourself Read More

Grow bigger, fatter, better tomatoes
(Homesteading.news) One of our favorite fruits and veggies is the tomato, and why not – they are tasty, fairly easy to grow, can be used in many recipes, are perfect for salads, can be canned, dried and used in a wide variety of recipes all year long. But as easy as tomatoes are to grow, Read More