Former DEA agent reveals how U.S. government runs cocaine into the country
According to a 25-year veteran of the DEA and author of the book, Triangle of Death, Michael Levine, the CIA played a pivotal role in enabling the trafficking of illegal drugs, especially cocaine, into the U.S. from Latin America. While serving as an undercover DEA agent, Levine claims the CIA was aware of drugs being Read More

Obama Set To Put In New Law That Can Put Everyone In Jail (Video)
In this video Luke Rudkowski documents the biggest legal change in privacy law that will have a profound affect on the American way of life. We go over Obama’s new guidelines that will allow the NSA to share all of your private information with other federal agencies for domestic policing. This means the IRS, DEA, Read More

Bolivia’s drug crime rates decrease after the US Drug Enforcement Agency gets kicked out of the country
Ideally (and this is what most Americans have been conditioned to believe), the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) function is to reduce the manufacture, sale and trafficking of illegal drugs. In reality, however, that’s not entirely the case. Case in point: The government of Bolivia recently booted U.S. DEA agents out of the country, and ironically, Read More