‘Fearless’ feminists launch #ShoutYourStatus campaign to glorify… STDs and STIs… because preventable, harmful diseases are ’empowering’?
There’s been a war on the womb since Hawah (or as some may know as Eve) tasted the food she lusted after. There were no twitters tweeting carnal details, and narcissism hadn’t yet been cultivated as a lifestyle. Now there’s a new trend among twenty something women. They feel it’s incumbent to alert mankind as to their “status” concerning a contraction of a sexually transmitted disease. Read More

The depopulation agenda explained by Mike Adams on Northwest Liberty News
During a recent appearance with James White of Northwest Liberty News, the editor of NaturalNews, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, discussed a topic that few Americans fully realize or understand: The radical agenda of depopulation that is being pursued by egalitarian elitists, globalists, corporatists and others who see the coming robot revolution and understand that Read More

Government agency’s solution to deer overpopulation: Spend taxpayer money on ovary removal
(BigGovernment.news) Deer hunting season in Maryland began in late November, but one government agency’s solution to being overrun by the four-legged omnivores is puzzling – and, ultimately, costly to the taxpayers. As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the Bethesda campus where the National Institutes of Health is located has too many deer roaming freely, Read More

Bill Gates to introduce remote-controlled sterilization microchips for women
Bill Gates, Microsoft mogul, inventor and philanthropist, is considered to be one of the world’s biggest and most famous visionaries. Unfortunately, however, Gates has decided to take his vision a step further, by developing a computer chip technology that could essentially aid him in his quest for population control and reduction. Gates’ medical microchip implants Read More

The government is at WAR with humanity
Think your government is trying to protect you? Think again! Even though governments used to encourage and support population growth to create a larger economic base, they are now actively attempting to depopulate the planet and eliminate as many people as possible. Learn more at Bugout.news, Twisted.news and AlternativeNews.com

New “X-Files” references Big Pharma drugs, GMOs, factory farming, debt and over-consumerism!
After a nearly 14-year hiatus, The X-Files returned with a bang Sunday night leaving viewers on the edge of their seats as FBI Agent Fox Mulder (played by David Duchovny) told FBI Agent Dr. Dana Scully (played by Gillian Anderson) that everything they’ve “been led to believe is a lie.” Duchovny’s return to The X-Files Read More

Greedy feds have already grabbed over 53% of Oregon’s land, forcing humans into controlled cities
No matter what the final outcome, one of the most important aspects of the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is that it has drawn public attention to the ongoing federal land grab — part of a scheme that threatens not only the Western states where the feds already own more than 40 percent Read More

The government is at WAR with humanity
Think your government is trying to protect you? Think again! Even though governments used to encourage and support population growth to create a larger economic base, they are now actively attempting to depopulate the planet and eliminate as many people as possible. Learn more at Bugout.news, Twisted.news and AlternativeNews.com. Make sure to also visit HealthRangerReport.com.