
How America defeats Russian, Chinese missile defenses: Swarming drones

(NationalSecurity.news) Russia is building and deploying the largest nuclear ICBM in the history of the planet. China, meanwhile, is upgrading its nuclear arsenal as well. Both nations are improving their missile defense capabilities. It would seem that in any conflict, then, either China or Russia – or both – checkmate any U.S. offensive nuclear capacities, Read More


How long before the Pentagon arms the drones now flying over America? Police state drone strikes on citizens now inevitable…

In recent days the Pentagon made a startling admission: Between 2006 and 2015, it had deployed drones in spying roles over U.S. soil nearly 20 times, in what appears on the surface to be a blatant violation of existing U.S. statutes and constitutional privacy protections. As reported by USA Today: The report by a Pentagon Read More


Pentagon admits deploying spy drones over US (Video)

The Pentagon has deployed drones to spy over U.S. territory for non-military missions over the past decade, but the flights have been rare and lawful, according to a new report. The report by a Pentagon inspector general, made public under a Freedom of Information Act request, said spy drones on non-military missions have occurred fewer Read More


Pentagon discloses to the public that domestic spying drones fly across the U.S.

The Defense Department made a shocking admission on Wednesday, though judging by the news cycle few in the media business riffed on it for very long. As initially reported by USA Today, the Pentagon said it has deployed drones in skies above the United States to spy for non-military missions, but attempted to justify the Read More


U.S. military’s next war with be fought with futuristic weapons

(NationalSecurity.news) Should the United States have to fight another major conflict with a great power in the near future, some of the weapons the Pentagon will field are the stuff of science fiction. Or, rather, they used to be. As noted by the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, some of those weapons will include laser platforms on Read More


Air Force ‘Reaper’ drones falling from the sky but why is still a mystery

(NationalSecurity.news) The Air Force relies heavily on its fleet of armed drones to conduct operations all over the world, especially against targets in the Islamic State, Afghanistan and Pakistan. But in recent months a number of the service’s most advanced hunter-killer drone, the Reaper, have been failing in flight but it’s not clear why. As Read More


Boeing develops laser cannon that blasts drones

Boeing is on the brink of developing a laser cannon strategically designed to blast drones out of the sky. Although the weapon looks nothing like Star Wars laser beams,  it is capable of completely decimating an unmanned aircraft. Governments and militaries around the world have grown increasingly concerned over the prospect of contending with drones carrying Read More

Credit: Wikimedia

ACLU appeals judge’s refusal to release documents pertaining to CIA’s covert drone/assassination program

There’s essentially only two ways to truly know what the federal government is up to, and that’s through the mouth of whistleblowers, such as Edward Snowden, who bravely exposed the National Security Agency’s (NSA) mass surveillance of the American people, and secondly, the Freedom of Information Request Act (FOIA), which allows the public to access Read More