
News report reveals the shocking truth about the meningitis vaccine

Meningococcal disease, or bacterial meningitis, is a serious infection in the protective membranes (meninges) of the brain and the spinal cord that affects fewer than 1000 people per year in the United States. Tragically, this fast acting illness kills 10 – 15% of those infected. Additional complications can include bloodstream infections (septicemia) that may result in brain damage, learning disabilities, deafness and loss of limbs Read More


Antibiotic resistance in children is shockingly high

Health experts issued a warning this week that more children are unable to ward off common infections because bacteria are becoming more resistant to antibiotics. It’s been known for quite some time that antibiotic resistance is on the rise. Recent research found that the overuse of antibiotics by children is responsible for bacteria becoming resistant Read More


Deadly E. coli strain bioengineered to attack food supply and cause fatalities

As more and more people are hit by the E.coli infection in Europe, it’s quite noticeable that the mainstream media’s been downplaying the mysterious and sudden appearance of this strain of E. coli in the food supply – and the alarming fact that it’s also become magically resistant to eight different classes of antibiotics. This particular E. coli variation is Read More