
Ebola back in Britain: nurse experiences another relapse of the disease she supposedly ‘got rid of’ TWO YEARS ago

Ebola is the deadly virus that just keeps on giving, so to speak, and a nurse in Great Britain who thought she was free of the disease two years ago has just found out she’s still got it. As reported by the UK-based Independent, Pauline Cafferkey was recently re-admitted to a British hospital – for Read More


Planned in advance? Vaccine magically became available for testing after media hype on Ebola outbreak

Amid all the alarm in what the media claims is the worst Ebola outbreak in history, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), in partnership with the U.S. National Institutes of Health, released an experimental vaccine that, out of nowhere, became magically available for testing in a couple of weeks. Normally, it takes several years for a new vaccine to Read More


EBOLA 2016: Medical authorities struggle to control Ebola outbreak as latest plasma treatment fails

Medical authorities continue to struggle to contain the new Ebola outbreak. Treating the disease with blood plasma donated by Ebola survivors failed to drastically increase the likelihood of recovering from the malady, according to a field test of the experimental treatment. The results are based on the cases of 84 people treated with plasma in Read More