
Obama continues to push $66 billion for preschool, despite concerns

( A proposal for universal preschool in President Barack Obama’s final budget would add $66 billion to federal spending over the next decade, despite recent findings in Tennessee that show such programs have minimal impact on achievement. This is the third year the Obama administration has pushed Congress for an expanded federal-state partnership for school Read More


Once again, loud and clear: School funding not tied to educational outcomes and achievement

( You’ve likely heard the argument, mostly from Democrats, that primary education funding in America is too low, and that if we ever want to rise to the top again we’re going to have to dedicate more resources (read money) to our schools. Turns out that this argument is not just bogus, but historically incorrect. Read More


Colleges estimate new overtime rule could raise tuition $1K per student

( A Tennessee college association reports that a new rule under consideration by the Obama White House would raise tuition around $1,000 per student. Speaking during a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee hearing on March 17, Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee) grilled Department of Labor secretary Thomas Perez about the rule, which would mandate Read More


Big surprise: Public schools that got federal improvement grants aren’t improving

( There hasn’t been much to brag about when it comes to the performance of government-run public schools in the U.S., and the news doesn’t look like it’s going to get much better anytime in the near future. But that hasn’t stopped politicians from throwing more good taxpayer money after bad. The latest example is Read More


Caught on video: Common Core a total scam created just to “sell more books”

Scores of Americans have turned against the Common Core education standards because they believe they are just another push by Big Brother to exert even more federal control over education standards that have continually failed to produce better-quality students, especially in the critical areas of math and science. But most had little idea that there Read More


Public School: The prison of indoctrination for the youth

In the American police state, people are quickly becoming either a prisoner – shackled, controlled, monitored or limited in what they can do or say – or a prison bureaucrat – in the form of a police officer, judge, jailer, spy or profiteer. But where are these seeds of learned subservience first being ingrained? The public education system. Read More