Neonicotinoids really are killing honeybees, EPA study admits
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently admitted that neonicotinoids – a class of insecticides – can harm honeybees when used on cotton and citrus, according to an environmental risk assessment study. It’s no secret that bees are essential to the food supply. They are responsible for 80 percent of pollination, which is necessary for plant Read More

Pesticides found in marijuana products
In certain states, several independent studies found dangerous levels of pesticides in marijuana products. States that have legalized marijuana are struggling to get to grips with the issue of pesticides because the federal government still lists marijuana as an illegal Schedule 1 drug. This means that there is confusion as to which pesticides and what quantities Read More

Getting pesticides out of bud: the alternative health community’s next big issue
Conventional crops tend to be coated with noxious pesticides. Marijuana crops are no exception. As more and more states legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, the next big issue for the alternative health community is to ensure that bud is free of dangerous pesticides. The use of illegal pesticides is a growing problem in the marijuana Read More