Monsanto has known for over 35 years that its glyphosate-soaked ‘food’ causes cancer
Most folks who comprehend the GMO fraud know this basic fact. In 1992, FDA scientists’ thought there could be unknown toxins and other dangers in these foods. There comments were ignored. For the uninitiated, Steven Druker’s book, “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth,” is a dynamic expose of the con job forced upon American’s digestive systems. Yet Monsanto, who ruled the White House in 1992, had already known Read More

Incompetent EPA has a slush fund in the billions of dollars it uses, in part, to build a paramilitary force
(BigGovernment.news) The shameful federal agency that was responsible, in large part, for poisoning scores of mostly African-American children with lead in Flint, Mich., as well as one of the worst river contaminations in Colorado history, has a secret slush fund it uses to fund shadowy operations that are beyond oversight. As reported by The Daily Caller, the Environmental Protection Agency Read More

Neonicotinoids really are killing honeybees, EPA study admits
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently admitted that neonicotinoids – a class of insecticides – can harm honeybees when used on cotton and citrus, according to an environmental risk assessment study. It’s no secret that bees are essential to the food supply. They are responsible for 80 percent of pollination, which is necessary for plant Read More

Will the Hypocritical EPA ever be held responsible for turning the Animas River yellow with Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury
Do you remember images of a sickeningly yellow Animas River in Colorado, toxic residue clumsily spilled from the Gold King Mine? If not, don’t blame yourself. It’s not like the incident gets much ink or video these days. But as noted by Heritage Foundation founder Ed Feulner in the Washington Times, the spill was pretty Read More

Getting pesticides out of bud: the alternative health community’s next big issue
Conventional crops tend to be coated with noxious pesticides. Marijuana crops are no exception. As more and more states legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, the next big issue for the alternative health community is to ensure that bud is free of dangerous pesticides. The use of illegal pesticides is a growing problem in the marijuana Read More

Over 95% of all endangered species’ existence threatened by not one, but two commonly used pesticides in the U.S.
The Environmental Protection Agency – just typing that name feels incongruent – proclaimed that we should keep our eyes on two harmful pesticides, plus one. The Guardian reports: “Almost all of the 1,700 most endangered plants and animals in the US are likely to be harmed by two widely used pesticides… Malathion, an insecticide registered for use in Read More

Spendthrift EPA is now paying contractors to do nothing
(BigGovernment.news) When it comes to waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer money, the federal government has several superstars. One of them is the Environmental Protection Agency, which now appears to be paying contractors just for the heck of it. As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the EPA has about $3 million tied up with Read More

Is the U.S. Supreme Court about to give Americans back their property rights?
(BigGovernment.news) For more than four decades property owners in the U.S. have had little recourse against encroachments against them by various federal agencies who increasingly abused legislation like the Clean Water Act to force various policy priorities on landowners. These encroachments have been on steroids under the Obama administration, as evidenced by the issuance of Read More

Mainstream media FINALLY reporting that lead could be causing brain damage in thousands of schoolchildren across the U.S.
Make no mistake. Lead is a neurotoxin and can cause serious and irreversible damage. Children are the most vulnerable. Exposure can happen by inhalation of fumes or dust, eating paint chips, playing with contaminated toys or on contaminated land. Lead exposure can happen by washing their hands, taking a bath, eating food cooked in contaminated water and drinking a Read More

House forwards legislation loosening coal waste-burning rules
[BigGovernment.news] The House debated legislation on Tuesday that relaxes EPA emissions requirements for plants that burn the waste left over from coal mining. The House rules committee sent the Satisfying Energy Needs and Saving the Environment, or SENSE, act to the floor on a party line 6-4 vote Monday. SENSE would modify EPA rules to allow for Read More