Under AG Loretta Lynch, the federal government allows police to unconstitutionally confiscate your possessions… Even if you HAVEN’T been arrested or charged
We live in a burgeoning police state where trained mercenaries with flashing lights can pull you off the side of any highway, ask you how much money you have in your vehicle, take it from you, and not charge you with a crime. Robbery and extortion now has a quaint fuzzy name – “The Equitable Sharing Program.” Of course what they Read More

Cancer industry set to profit off new Medicare proposition that gives financial incentive for doctor’s to recommend the most expensive prescription brands
You know that cancer is a multi billion dollar industry. Since President Nixon’s decision to create the war on cancer back in 1971, it’s only increased. That’s what happens when the government needs an excuse to create that which they declare they are against. Remember the “war” on poverty, drugs and our current 24/7 charade, the one Read More

Extortion now being used to further the censorship of the documentary, Vaxxed, across the U.S.
Bribery and extortion are well worn themes used to stamp out truth. The Pharisees paid Judas Iscariot a mere thirty pieces of silver. The love of money is the root of all evil and our Big Pharma vaccine industry does whatever it can to protect its billions of death induced vials. In the case of the documentary Read More