Paul Craig Roberts calls America’s “War on Terror” a hoax
Paul Craig Roberts had his teeth and nails sharpened when he lambasted the government once again in his column. He calls the “war on terror” a hoax. He says the lawmakers comprise and spearhead the factory of deception. Washington has played with the minds of the gullible and too trusting Americans – which easily leads to Read More

Study shows conspiracy theorists are more sensible than conventional thinkers
For years, people have denounced conspiracy theorists as mere lunatics who advocate preposterous ideas to the masses. Now, however, recent studies by psychologists and social media scientists have proven that these “conspiracy theorists” actually appear to be saner than people who blindly accept what the mainstream media propagates. A recent study published in 2013 by psychologists Michael Read More

New “X-Files” references Big Pharma drugs, GMOs, factory farming, debt and over-consumerism!
After a nearly 14-year hiatus, The X-Files returned with a bang Sunday night leaving viewers on the edge of their seats as FBI Agent Fox Mulder (played by David Duchovny) told FBI Agent Dr. Dana Scully (played by Gillian Anderson) that everything they’ve “been led to believe is a lie.” Duchovny’s return to The X-Files Read More