Military camp

Feminist Left-wing agenda continues to decide what women want for themselves: combat roles now may lead to women in the draft…

Feminism began as a political movement in the turbulent 1960s to get women equal pay and treatment in the workplace, but it has arrived at a point that very likely horrifies and offends a great many American women today. Namely, being so equal to men as to be required to register with the Selective Service Read More


‘Fearless’ feminists launch #ShoutYourStatus campaign to glorify… STDs and STIs… because preventable, harmful diseases are ’empowering’?

There’s been a war on the womb since Hawah (or as some may know as Eve) tasted the food she lusted after. There were no twitters tweeting carnal details, and narcissism hadn’t yet been cultivated as a lifestyle. Now there’s a new trend among twenty something women. They feel it’s incumbent to alert mankind as to their “status” concerning a contraction of a sexually transmitted disease. Read More