Monsanto hired the infamous mercenary firm Blackwater to track FOOD ACTIVISTS around the world
Millions of Americans remember the private mercenary force known as Blackwater for its involvement in an unprovoked attack that left scores of Iraqi civilians dead in 2007, but most have no idea that the firm had a business relationship as well with Monsanto. As we reported in May 2013, the relationship between the world’s largest Read More

USDA rule allows hidden feces, pus, bacteria and bleach in conventional poultry
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, like a number of other federal agencies whose duty it is to ensure your health, safety and well-being when it comes to food, drugs and the environment, has proven time and again that it is more beholden to political special interests than the general public it was established to serve. Read More

Are you at risk for Artificial Sweetener Disease?
So much of what we consume today in the food we eat, both consciously and unknowingly, is processed, impure and phony, none so much as the sugars we eat. White refined sugar is bad enough – some 8,000 scientific studies and papers have linked it to various chronic diseases, as we have reported. But equally Read More

U.S. Dairy industry petitions to secretly add chemical sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose) to products – without labeling them
As regular readers of NaturalNews are aware, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration doesn’t have our best interests at heart when it comes to setting food and drug policies. Part of the reason for that is because the agency is populated with big government sycophants who believe their mission in life is to control everything Read More