Police state spinning out of control: innocent Americans terrorized in their homes based on faulty evidence
The criterion for obtaining a search warrant has become so vague that police officers can now cite their “training and experience” as an excuse to acquire one, according to a new report by The Washington Post highlighting America’s rising police state. A review of 2,000 search warrants obtained by law enforcement in Washington D.C. between Read More

FBI wants more access to personal devices than it is saying: Report
(Cyberwar.news) In recent days the FBI’s director, James Comey, has defended the Justice Department’s intent to legally force Apple to provide the agency with technology that will enable it to access the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino terrorists, saying information on that phone could be vital to its investigation of the attacks. Apple Read More

Bill allowing government to collect virtually all data on U.S. internet users to be voted on in Senate
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is pushing for a vote on the infamous Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) prior to a four-week recess beginning August 10. As of right now, however, there are no immediate plans to vote on the bill.(1) CISA is a bill that just won’t die. Critics have dubbed CISA the “zombie Read More