Washington Post finally confirms what once was considered ‘conspiracy’ talk: Public buses are covertly recording private conversations
Since 2012, the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) has been recording passenger’s private conversations. The buses were retrofitted in 2012, without the knowledge or approval of the legislature: “Nearly 500 of its fleet of 750 buses now have audio recording capabilities. Officials say the devices can capture important information in cases of driver error or an attack or altercation Read More

Free Pete Santilli, an independent media journalist jailed by the Obama regime! (Audio)
Pete Santilli is a political prisoner of the Obama regime, a totalitarian system of oppression that now CRIMINALIZES speech that’s critical of the federal government. Pete Santilli was arrested by the FBI in Oregon because of his independent journalism reporting on the BLM land grab from ranchers. The FBI didn’t like what Pete said, so Read More

Obama’s Speech Gestapo Democrats attempt to criminalize criticism of Muslims, while encouraging persecution of Christians, conservatives, gun owners and libertarians
The GOP bills itself as the party of small government (well, okay, it used to). Libertarians like to think of themselves as belonging to the party of the Constitution. The Democrat Party seriously ought to rename itself the party of the anti-American totalitarian, as a recent piece of Democrat legislation once again demonstrates. As reported Read More

Bill allowing government to collect virtually all data on U.S. internet users to be voted on in Senate
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is pushing for a vote on the infamous Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) prior to a four-week recess beginning August 10. As of right now, however, there are no immediate plans to vote on the bill.(1) CISA is a bill that just won’t die. Critics have dubbed CISA the “zombie Read More