Harsh reality: Every statistic you need to know about the incredible damage of the Fukushima nuclear disaster since 2011
March 11th marked the fifth year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster, and authorities are just now beginning to pick up the pieces of the decimated power plant. Nevertheless, the Japanese government has continued to undermine the severity of the disaster and the mainstream media has been practically silent in its coverage of the unfolding debacle. Read More

Greenpeace survey finds DNA damage to forests as Fukushima’s fifth anniversary approaches
The conservation group Greenpeace issued a warning Friday that the havoc the Fukushima disaster has wreaked on the environment is beginning to become manifest and will persist for years. Nearly five years ago, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake launched a tsunami off the coast of Japan, which crippled three nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi power Read More