Typhoon Etau busts drainage system and flushes radioactive water from Fukushima into the ocean
The Fukushima nuclear power station dumped contaminated and radioactive water into the ocean after a rush of water, caused by Typhoon Etau, which lead to the site’s drainage pumps to overflow. Typhoon Etau has caused massive flooding in Japan, prompting thousands to evacuate. Twenty-three people are missing and three have been confirmed dead. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Read More

Federal agency to investigate cause of 30 whale deaths in Alaska
Something smells fishy in Alaskan waters, and its not just the fish. Experts are bamboozled by at least 30 whale carcasses that have washed up on the coast of Alaska since May. A federal agency announced last Thursday that it will launch a thorough investigation into the cause of the whale deaths.(1) The National Oceanic Read More