How to avoid the 7 deadly sins of growing tomatoes
(Homesteading.news) Just about everyone loves fresh garden produce, especially when it is coming from your garden, and one of the most popular fruits and veggies produced in home gardens is the tomato. Why? Because they are easy to grow and there are a variety of species from which to choose. That said, there certainly are Read More

Natural DIY pest control measures for your garden
(Homesteading.news) Natural pest control is actually less expensive than using pesticides, and it’s safer for your garden, your family, wildlife and the environment. Each year North American homeowners use a staggering 136 million pounds of pesticides on lawns, gardens and inside their homes. The shocking reality is that homeowners use about three times the amount of Read More

These vegetables grow best in small spaces
(Homesteading.news) Not every homesteader has a lot of wide, open space in which to grow food, and if you’re someone who has a limited amount of garden space, then obviously you want to make the very most out of your available ground. A huge factor in your success will be picking which veggies grow best Read More

These non-toxic garden remedies will have your plants healthy and producing like champs
(Homesteading.news) One of the primary goals of having our own vegetable and fruit gardens is to grow lots of food that can help feed our families all year long. But another major reason for the family garden is that it is a major source of organic, non-GMO and non-toxic food, right? Well, for many people Read More

Good news – Soil is warming up early this year, meaning a longer planting season
(Homesteading.news) As El Nino quickly fades, forecasters around the country agree that will mean warmer temperatures earlier this year and with them, warmer soil. That’s great news for homesteaders who depend on bountiful harvests to feed our families through the long winter months. Though soil will still need a bit of time to dry out, Agriculture.com Read More

Backyard bounty: Vegetables are nature’s original nutritional powerhouses
(Homesteading.news) (BPT) – You’ve probably heard the chatter around how a handful of unusual foods are must-eat nutritional powerhouses – and wondered how you’ll ever get your kids to try kale or chia seeds. But you don’t have to stress over how to incorporate the latest health food fads into your family’s diet in order to Read More

Deer are smarter than you think, so outsmart them and protect your garden plots
(Homesteading.news) (BPT) – With 2015 breaking records as one of the warmest years ever in the U.S., you’ll soon be seeing an unhappy side-effect of the mild weather; more deer will be browsing your backyard when the weather gets warm. Most of us have seen more acorns, a bumper crop in fact, that provided deer with Read More

These veggies make the best companions in your garden and will grow better
(Homesteading.news) “Companion planting” can be referred to as the planting of different types of crops in close proximity in order to control pest, pollination, providing better environment for beneficial creatures, making use of the available space and generally increase productivity. This type of planting is also a form of polyculture. It is important for plants Read More

Here’s why carrots ought to be in your veggie garden
(Homesteading.news) It’s that time of year again when we’re ready to put seeds and seedlings back in the ground to grow the food we’ll eat, can and store for the coming year. And while there are lots of choices regarding which vegetables and fruits you ought to be growing, there are some staple foods that Read More

Carving out your dream homestead on wooded land
(Homesteading.news) You’ve decided it’s time to make the move to a little parcel of land outside the city so you can finally fulfill a long-time dream: Creating a slice of heaven on earth in your own mold that will give you independence, confidence and no small amount of freedom. You want to grow food, raise Read More