Why you should be growing more root vegetables this year
(Homesteading.news) Root vegetables are exactly what the name implies – they are the root of the plant. The most common root vegetables have become family staples: potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, and beets. High in vitamins and minerals that they absorb from the ground, root vegetables are full of nutrients and are an excellent source Read More

Great water-saving tips to make your plants more drought-resistant
(Homesteading.news) Whether or not you believe in man-made climate change, one thing is indisputable: that the Southwestern United States are experiencing a record-breaking drought that has lasted for around 14 years. This particular drought has the potential of becoming what is termed a “megadrought” — one which lasts more than two decades. But even if you Read More

Gardening fitness: Research shows tending to your veggies is like going to a gym
(Homesteading.news) In addition to enhancing your life skills and boosting your food security, there is another major benefit of gardening, researchers have found: fitness. Long-time gardeners have always know that putting plant and seed in the ground and then maintaining plants and crops as they grow is hard work. But chances are good that they weren’t aware Read More

Want better yields in the garden? Look to the heavens (well, the moon, anyway)
(Homesteading.news) For ages, farmers worldwide have looked to the night sky to determine the right time to fertilize, sow, prune, weed or harvest. Some skeptics say planting by the cycles of the moon is just an old folklore, others swear by it. The renewed attention for lunar gardening may be a reaction against the growing industrialization Read More

Got comfrey? Learn the benefits of growing this versatile plant.
(Homesteading.news) The medicinal value of comfrey has been known for many centuries, and the plant is also very useful in maintaining permaculture systems. Comfrey is a native European plant that can be found growing wild in parts of the United Kingdom. Wild comfrey is found in the damp grasslands of Europe but is also cultivated widely Read More

How organic gardens aren’t just healthier, they save you money too
(Homesteading.news) One of the most common excuses people have for not eating healthy is that healthy food costs too much, particularly organic food that is often priced slightly higher than comparable conventional food. But eating healthy and organic does not have to break the bank, especially if you follow these helpful tips for maximizing nutrition on Read More

How to test seed viability before planting in the garden
(Homesteading.news) Finally, spring is here! Warmer weather and lots of sunshine has many of us already thinking about this year’s garden, including what we are going to plant and when. Unless you’re a bona fide expert, most of us experience a few setbacks when planting each spring, some of which are due to human error, while Read More

More use of natural manure yielding better crops with less toxicity to your plants
(Homesteading.news) Long the standard used in supposed “science-based” agriculture, chemical fertilizers have largely become the norm in modern farming. But these synthetic and man-made varieties are becoming increasingly more expensive and difficult to obtain, which is driving many farmers back to good, old-fashioned animal manure. Before commercial agriculture techniques gained widespread use, farmers used composted animal Read More

Making the best use of your gray water
(Homesteading.news) (BPT) – Water conservation isn’t just for Californians and others who live in dry climates. Although the Golden State’s water woes grabbed headlines last summer, it’s not the only state potentially facing water shortages. Nor is it the only one where conservation-minded homeowners are turning to greywater recycling to reduce water bills and preserve the Read More

10 veggies you can grow from scraps
(Homesteading.news) Basic foods like vegetables and general grocery have become quite expensive. Most people spend a lot of cash on grocery shopping which happens to be one of the highest costs related to almost every family. However, you can now eliminate your family’s grocery bills by growing some of these groceries on your own. The good Read More