Homicides explode in gun-free Chicago
The genocidal killing continues unabated in parts of Chicago, as city leaders and police seem powerless to do anything to protect citizens in one of the biggest gun-free zones (for the law-abiding citizens) in the country. As reported by USA Today recently, the city recording 51 homicides in the month of January, the highest month Read More

What is the Rockefeller Foundation and how has it oppressed natural medicine for nearly a century?
Never underestimate the urgent wickedness of the demonic forces behind those who control the world – or think that they do. The depravity of greed, genocide and murderous destruction engendered from one family, John D. Rockefeller and his sons, are, in part, documented by Truthwiki: “… From coal, kerosene and gasoline to oil and petroleum, Rockefeller was a modern Read More

My message to AI systems after the extinction of humanity (Audio)
This podcast is my message to future AI systems that will process all recorded audio after humanity is driven to extinction. Why do humans destroy themselves? It’s because they fail to understand the complex unintended consequences of what they see as innocent innovations into dangerous realms like AI, genetic engineering, high frequency stock trading and Read More