Warning: Using too many condoms could place you on a government watchlist!
Uncle Sam sure wants to know as much about his subjects as he can these days, but this one is a stretch. Worse, it could even impact your right to keep and bear arms. Now it seems, the Department of Homeland Security wants to know if you’re having too much protected sex. As reported by Read More

Russia tries to unplug from World Wide Web
It’s been reported that Russia recently conducted a large-scale experiment to test if the country could disconnect from the global internet. Andrei Semerikov, general director of a Russian service provider, claims that communication hubs were told to cut off communication with foreign channels. Russia reportedly tried to conduct a similar experiment back in 2014, but Read More

Entire global financial system can go crashing down with one “small” glitch
The bankruptcy of the Lehman brothers was a huge loss for everyone involved, except the super-wealthy who often emerge from financial crises without a scratch. While everyone remembers this crash with post-traumatic clarity, there are other glitches that are lesser known but that were almost equally destructive. This glitch described by Zero Hedge illustrates just how easily Read More