Computer glitch may have incorrectly prescribed thousands of patients statins
The Medicines and healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has launched an investigation into a computer glitch, which may have given or denied thousands of patients in England the cholesterol lowering drug, statins. Pulse magazine reported that a bug in the SystmOne clinical IT software inaccurately assesses a number of patient’s risk for heart disease. As Read More

Cyber attacks: The new nuclear warhead
Professor Sir Michael Howard, one of England’s most highly distinguished military historians, has warned that cyber attacks now pose as big of a threat to international security as nuclear weapons. Sir Howard commented that, based on the advances in individually-utilized technology and our growing interdependence on networks to run our infrastructure, “an entire country can Read More

Disconnected is the new security feature: How hyperconnectivity is dangerous to human civilization
In the age of hyperconnectivity, people have access to a sea of information with the click of a mouse. While the internet has radically changed how information is disseminated, it has also made it increasingly difficult to protect one’s privacy. The internet has become the backbone of the world’s infrastructure, which has caused many people Read More

So-called “Email Privacy Act” actually a Big Brother Orwellian email spy bill that requires corporations to violate your privacy in the name of “security”
The Fourth Amendment is under attack in an age of electronic surveillance and expanding government. The Email Privacy Act, H.R. 699, and its Senate companion bill S. 356, is marching toward bipartisan agreement in Congress. The legislation would give government agencies access to your email, text messages and documents without a warrant from storage systems Read More

Credit cards and bank accounts will be wiped out in coming economic collapse
Credit card debt is on the rise in America. Approximately one in five Americans rely on credit cards in order to make ends meet. Yet credit cards are intended to be used for convenience rather than a supplement for income. As a result, the national credit card debt is roughly $900 billion. To put that Read More