Interview with James Wesley Rawles discusses the inevitable breakdown and contraction of the U.S. economy
All News PipeLine has posted a fascinating video of an interview with James Wesley Rawles, a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, and also creator of SurvivalBlog.com. His expertise is in food storage, first aid, firearms, off-the-grid power and communications. Rawles discusses the possibility of the current turbulence in the world, from tensions with Russia to Read More

Entire global financial system can go crashing down with one “small” glitch
The bankruptcy of the Lehman brothers was a huge loss for everyone involved, except the super-wealthy who often emerge from financial crises without a scratch. While everyone remembers this crash with post-traumatic clarity, there are other glitches that are lesser known but that were almost equally destructive. This glitch described by Zero Hedge illustrates just how easily Read More