Monsanto has known for over 35 years that its glyphosate-soaked ‘food’ causes cancer
Most folks who comprehend the GMO fraud know this basic fact. In 1992, FDA scientists’ thought there could be unknown toxins and other dangers in these foods. There comments were ignored. For the uninitiated, Steven Druker’s book, “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth,” is a dynamic expose of the con job forced upon American’s digestive systems. Yet Monsanto, who ruled the White House in 1992, had already known Read More

Reuters using clear propaganda tactics by trivializing glyphosate’s cancer risk in newest Industry-funded ‘hit piece’
There’s a picture of sizzling bacon, replete with it’s fat and salty substance introducing a recent Reuter’s investigative report on the International Agency on Cancer Research (IARC). The caption underneath the picture (equating IARC statements about carcinogens in processed meat to what IARC says about meat in general) seems to be as shady as the rest of Read More

Over 95% of all endangered species’ existence threatened by not one, but two commonly used pesticides in the U.S.
The Environmental Protection Agency – just typing that name feels incongruent – proclaimed that we should keep our eyes on two harmful pesticides, plus one. The Guardian reports: “Almost all of the 1,700 most endangered plants and animals in the US are likely to be harmed by two widely used pesticides… Malathion, an insecticide registered for use in Read More

U.S. government remains indifferent as the rest of the world moves towards ban on glyphosate
There’s no denying it — an increasing number of countries have now been joining the battle against Monsanto and its products. In the Netherlands, for instance, the Dutch parliament already voted to ban the sale of glyphosate-based herbicides to private parties. Initially, Monsanto’s connections prevented the enactment of the proposal; however, thanks to the influence of the Read More

Not safe to eat: Rats fed lifetime of GMO corn grow horrifying tumors, die very early
Learn how you can transform your health through clean eating by signing up for the FOOD REVOLUTION summit for free here! Genetically modified (GM) corn is rat poison. That is at least what the results of a controversial study linking GM feed with cancerous tumor growths in rats would seem to suggest. During a two-year Read More

Poisoned: 99.6% of Germans have glyphosate residues in urine
Glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, has increasingly been subjected to scrutiny after the World Health Organization concluded last spring that it is “probably carcinogenic.” Researchers and health food advocates’ fears have been confirmed as studies continue to uncover the impacts of glyphosate accumulation in the environment, our food supply, and humans. As a Read More

Another Monsanto shill EXPOSED: University of Illinois professor caught in dirty financial scheme
Monsanto’s history of spreading chemical death has been well documented. Following the Viet Nam war, their portfolio was so toxic, they divested themselves of Agent Orange, DDT and PCBs. What remained was their best seller, the ubiquitous glyphosate-based Round Up herbicide. With White House support, a squashing of scientific opposition and billions invested over two decades, they Read More

100% of California Wines Tested Show Positive Results For Glyphosate! (Audio)
(Signup now FREE for the online FOOD REVOLUTION Summit to learn more about whats in your food!) If you like to drink wine, here’s some information you might want to take a look at. Moms Across America released new results revealing that ten major California wines contained the chemical glyphosate, the declared “active” ingredient in Read More

Oats, wheat, and flax are all quietly being sprayed with cancer causing glyphosate
Here we go again with glyphosate, that ubiquitous toxin used as Round Up’s primary ingredient. It’s infamous for the ability to kill weeds, along with all those beneficial micro organisms in the soil and in your gut. Oh, yeah, and without it, we can’t feed the world… Not true. Despite the sales pitches and propaganda that farmers will Read More

EPA, USDA, FDA – the triad of anti-science to poison humanity and the environment (Audio)
Think the EPA, FDA and USDA are “scientific” organizations? Think again: They’re actually front groups for ANTI-science corporate agendas. This triad of government regulators is now actively engaged in the ongoing censorship, suppression and falsification of scientific data in order to push toxic chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals) for profit. The result is the mass poisoning Read More