Bernwashing and American corporatocracy
If tweets, shares and hashtags are any indication, then there’s no doubt that Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has managed to capture a huge chunk of 2016’s millennial voting block. Voters have lapped up Sanders’ promises of mandating high-paying jobs, rallying against overseas outsourcing and ending the Drug War. His solution: a renewed sense of socialism in America, and Read More

What happens if we’ve run out of cash?
During the Great Depression, people would pay for services with food because they had no money and no credit. The situation was so bad that in some areas of the country, local governments issued their own currencies called depression scrip. The scrip were often pieces of paper used as money because government currency was nowhere to be seen. Read More

Mainstream media begins recognizing that preppers will be sole survivors in collapse
Preppers have been given a bad rap by the mainstream media. They are painted as conspiracy loons hunkered in their basements, fantasizing about the impending apocalypse. In reality, preppers are simply a group of people who recognize that future disasters are imminent and make adequate preparations for those emergencies. Despite the widespread disdain for the Read More

What will people do when their government checks stop coming?
(NaturalNews) Preppers talk about the day when paper currency becomes worthless and how they plan to barter when things fall apart. But, what will most people do when the government check they depend on stops forever more. Over 50% of the people in America now get some kind of government check every month. That is Read More