America is one event away from being a nation of PREPPERS
If you’re a prepper, you might think you’re alone. But did you realize that the entire nation of America is just one event away from being a nation of preppers? Hear all my podcasts at HealthRangerReport.com Or check out these other valuable websites: Bugout.news Collapse.news NaturalSecurity.news Cyberwar.news

DEATH TRAPS: Why it’s impossible to evacuate large cities
In this podcast, I explain why it’s logistically impossible to evacuate large cities in the middle of a serious crisis (such as a grid down event). And yet, we are falsely told by the government and state-run media that FEMA will come to the rescue of anyone in need. In reality, YOU are expendable… and Read More

Ted Koppel’s “Lights Out” – a book review
In this podcast, I review Ted Koppel’s impressive new book “Lights Out.” It covers the risks associated with America’s power grid vulnerabilities to cyber attacks launched by enemy nations. In this book, Koppel reveals that the U.S. government is wildly unprepared and has no realistic plan in place to deal with such an event.

Hackers take down the Ukrainian power grid
For years, the idea that hackers could take down a large, regional power grid has been only a theoretical threat to national security. But no more… Now, it has been confirmed that malicious code installed by hackers took down a large, regional power grid in Ukraine, plunging 700,000 homes and businesses into darkness. If this Read More

Hilarious response to brain-dead ANTI-preppers who hate preparedness
Have you ever met an anti-prepper? They’re people who despise the very idea of prepping and actually pride themselves on being as non-prepared as possible. It goes without saying that the next great global disaster will eliminate most of these people from the gene pool… Darwin Award style. In this podcast, I examine the delusional Read More