Libtard Democrats want Americans to trade their firearms for government-issued debit cards that can be spent on junk food … while helping increase gun sales
It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that gun regulations fail to curb gun violence. If they did, why do mass shootings consistently take place in “gun free” zones. Unfortunately, this reality has obviously failed to sink into the minds of democrats, in lieu of the Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act. The Safer Neighborhoods Gun Read More

Yes, they really are coming for your guns: CNN op-ed calls for total gun confiscation, martial law and full-on dictatorship by Obama
The Marxist Left in America is pulling out all the stops in an attempt to render the Second Amendment moot, disarm the general public and put the American people under the same kind of tyrannical government our founders rebelled against in the 18th century. A recently penned op-ed posted on CNN.com and written by Elliot Fineman Read More

Clinton’s comments show support for gun confiscation, NRA claims
The National Rifle Association (NRA) claimed that Hillary Clinton’s comments in support of a mandatory gun “buyback” show that gun control proponents are really interested in gun confiscation. In a recent speech in New Hampshire, Clinton lauded Australia’s current gun control measures — which included mandatory gun buyback and destruction — while proposing that the Read More