SC lawmakers consider forcing journalists to register with the state to eliminate freedom of the press
South Carolina is considered a “red state” – that is, one whose legislature is dominated, supposedly, by small-government conservatives and whose governor, Nikki Haley, was a darling of the Tea Party when she was running for her first term. In fact, one of the most conservative of all U.S. senators, Tim Scott, was appointed by Read More

Warning: Using too many condoms could place you on a government watchlist!
Uncle Sam sure wants to know as much about his subjects as he can these days, but this one is a stretch. Worse, it could even impact your right to keep and bear arms. Now it seems, the Department of Homeland Security wants to know if you’re having too much protected sex. As reported by Read More

Obama regime likely ordered Facebook/Instagram ban on private firearm sales
There isn’t anything President Obama would not do to make it more difficult for Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights, including forcing the world’s biggest social media company to ban the sale of privately owned firearms. As reported by the Washington Examiner, the White House recently refused to say whether social media giant Facebook’s Read More

LAPD warns citizens that police can’t protect them during an emergency
Are you prepared to defend yourself? In another sign of growing unease among law enforcement and other government-related authorities, that in times of trouble the civil society is liable to break down completely, Los Angeles police officers recently told a news team at a local CBS affiliate that in the event of an “emergency” – Read More

Clinton’s comments show support for gun confiscation, NRA claims
The National Rifle Association (NRA) claimed that Hillary Clinton’s comments in support of a mandatory gun “buyback” show that gun control proponents are really interested in gun confiscation. In a recent speech in New Hampshire, Clinton lauded Australia’s current gun control measures — which included mandatory gun buyback and destruction — while proposing that the Read More

MSM attacks Oath Keepers for defending public safety, Constitutional rights
The mainstream media is trying to tar and feather the Oath Keepers as a racist, anti-government group of white men. These false characterizations came after a group of Oath Keepers, led by Sam Andrews, arrived at a scene of protesters in nearby Ferguson marking the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown. According to Read More