
Don’t be too social: As few as 8 tweets a day can pinpoint your location, even to low-tech snoopers

( You may love your social media but a new study shows that relatively few posts a day on Twitter can reveal your physical location in as little as eight tweets per day. As reported by Homeland Security Newswire, researchers at MIT and Oxford University have shown that the location stamps on just a few Read More


Flaws in software used by hackers more than doubles, setting a record

( SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The number of previously unknown software flaws used by hackers more than doubled last year, a new report says, in another sign of the increasing sophistication of cybercrime and online espionage. Secret vulnerabilities in computer programs are especially prized by criminal gangs, law enforcement and spies because software vendors have Read More


Iranian cyberattacks represents clear and present danger to U.S. infrastructure: U.S. officials

( Charges filed by U.S. authorities against seven Iranian hackers working for computer firms associated with the Iranian government – including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – make clear there is a clear and present cybersecurity danger to critical American infrastructure, government officials note. As reported by Homeland Security Today, the group of Iranians has Read More


Pentagon employing hackers to try to break into DoD systems

( In an effort to improve cyber defenses of its own IT systems, the Pentagon is taking a cue from private industry: Employing “white hat” hackers to find vulnerabilities in the Department of Defense’s sensitive cyber domains. As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, DoD announced last week the launch of its “Hack the Pentagon” Read More


Israel power grid nearly cratered due to advanced cyberattack… is USA next?

The computers behind Israel’s power grid were shut down by a cyberattack in late January, which Israel Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz described as a “severe” attack. “We had to paralyze many of the computers of the Israeli Electricity Authority,” Steinitz said during a speech at the Cybertech Conference in Tel Aviv in wake of the Read More


Hackers take down the Ukrainian power grid

For years, the idea that hackers could take down a large, regional power grid has been only a theoretical threat to national security. But no more… Now, it has been confirmed that malicious code installed by hackers took down a large, regional power grid in Ukraine, plunging 700,000 homes and businesses into darkness. If this Read More


Massive breach: Hackers steal 15 million T-Mobile users’ data from Experian

The private details of 15 million T-Mobile customers have been stolen. On Thursday, T-Mobile announced that hackers had breached Experian’s network, which the carrier uses to check the credit reports of customers applying for a phone. The data stolen included Social Security numbers, home addresses, passport ID numbers, drivers’ license numbers and birth dates, among Read More


Here’s how the Chinese military hacks our most sensitive govt. computer systems

( A recent discovery by cyber sleuths has uncovered a massive, state-sponsored cyber espionage ring working on behalf of the Chinese government, even as Washington and Beijing come to terms on a new hacking agreement. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, the new discovery will likely ratchet up tension between the U.S. and China Read More