Study finds unusually high rate of inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions in U.S.
Antibiotic resistance is a growing global concern for all of us. If even the simplest of infections cannot be defeated by antibiotics, it could result in suffering and death. Even minimal infections have that potential. Knowing this about the deepening concern of resistance, wouldn’t physicians that prescribe those ten day rounds of antibiotics be extra cautious? Maybe not, as reported by EurekAlert.com: “An estimated Read More

Got comfrey? Learn the benefits of growing this versatile plant.
(Homesteading.news) The medicinal value of comfrey has been known for many centuries, and the plant is also very useful in maintaining permaculture systems. Comfrey is a native European plant that can be found growing wild in parts of the United Kingdom. Wild comfrey is found in the damp grasslands of Europe but is also cultivated widely Read More

U.S. study reveals massive expansion in the amount of antibiotics prescribed… and the outcome for humanity could be grim
Antibiotic-resistant superbugs have been developing now for some years now, thanks in large part to the over-prescribing of the drugs for inappropriate illnesses. And for many of those years there have been experts warning that such overuse will ultimately have dire consequences for the human race. Unfortunately, too few doctors and other primary care providers Read More

Hackers can use ransomware to hijack hospital equipment and harm or kill patients
(Cyberwar.news) An anonymous member of Kaspersky Lab’s research team has disclosed how easy it is for cyber-criminals to alter the way medical devices work, putting the lives of patients at risk, and potentially costing hospitals hundreds of thousands of dollars. Computer hackers have deployed a malicious piece of malware known as ransomware against hospitals in both the Read More

U.S. Department of Health admits vaccines can cause injury and death
Our government has always been an institution built on secrets, cover-ups and lies, if we were to look at it at the negative, disillusioned end of the spectrum. For instance, certain information about vaccines, which the public ought to know, has long remained shrouded in mystery — that is, until previously unheard of admissions came to light thanks to the U.S. Read More

NEW STUDY – Common Chemicals Found In Food, Water and Makeup Are Causing Mass Infertility (Audio)
CNN – Hormone-disrupting chemicals are everywhere — in plastics, pesticides and makeup — and two of them, phthalates and DDE, have been particularly strongly linked with common female reproductive conditions, such as fibroids. In a new study, researchers estimate that the problems caused by these two chemicals alone could cost the European Union at least Read More

Mental health experts: People who eat healthy are mentally ill
The extreme desire to eat pure, uncontaminated, healthy food has now been diagnosed as a mental disorder known as orthorexia nervosa, as per a new medical labeling trend. According to The Guardian: “Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating. Refusing to touch sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol, wheat, gluten, yeast, soy, corn and dairy foods is Read More

Polish study confirms what mainstream media’s been trying to hide all along: Vaccines are dangerous!
A 2012 Polish study, published in the journal Progressive Health Sciences, highlighted what we’ve all known — and what the mainstream media and vaccine fanatics keeps denying — all along: The risks of vaccines far outweigh any of their perceived benefits. Researchers from the Department of Pediatric Rehabilitation at the Medical University of Bialystok looked at Read More

Zika & the Law of Unintended Consequences (Video)
Alliance for Natural Health USA; Zika & Law of Unintended Consequences

Orthorexia: Healthy eating is now a mental disorder!
To everyone whose goal is to enjoy a healthy, worry-free lifestyle with a regular diet and exercise, you might want to rush to the nearest clinic to have yourself assessed. Apparently, the psychiatric industry thinks you’re suffering from — in what can only be described as the silliest disease they’ve invented yet — healthy eating disorder.(1) Yes, you heard that Read More