As Obamacare continues its epic fail, this healthcare is growing in popularity (Hint: because it’s better)
(BigGovernment.news) In case you haven’t heard, Obamacare is a massive failure that is destroying the U.S. healthcare system while threatening to bankrupt health insurers and no small number of Americans. But fortunately for many, there is a much better alternative emerging – one that offers better, more personal and more affordable coverage than the tanking Affordable Read More

Migrants taking advantage of Europe’s socialist-style healthcare threaten to collapse economy
Leaders and citizens of Muslim nations have lamented the impurities and inequities of the West on numerous occasions, but increasingly, as the Middle East falls apart, they seem incredibly willing to partake of its generosity, advanced societies and technology. Hypocrisy, it seems, trumps ideology when desperation sets in. However, the West – especially economically teetering Read More

Another reason why the last thing you should want is complete government-run healthcare
(BigGovernment.news) Supporters of the Veterans Administration say the nation’s largest healthcare conglomerate isn’t getting a fair shake in the media. They say that for the most part, the VA provides quality healthcare to the nation’s veterans and that customer service is generally. But then, stories like this make the news. As Reuters reported recently: U.S. Read More

Big Pharma exploiting the TPP deal to take total control of global healthcare
There certainly will be some winners if the governments of all 12 nations, who have signed on to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, wind up ratifying the agreement – but there will be many more losers. Hundreds of millions of them will be losing, in fact: The people. As noted by Common Dreams, public interest groups have Read More