The war on humanity continues unabated in Texas, where over one million acres of land are being carpet-bombed with the …
There’s an old expression that goes, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.” I …
Next to the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion, the Second Amendment is easily one of the most …
Hurricane Harvey is a natural disaster that has rocked this nation to its core. The devastation left in its wake …
Hurricane Harvey is providing a number of lessons to anyone who is serious about learning them — namely, that prepping …
In the days leading up to Hurricane Harvey, Texans in the storm’s path were warned to evacuate or, if they …
Price gouging is now rampant across the Texas flood zone, according to multiple local news reports, with cases of bottled …
I’m posting this “survival report” from inside Hurricane Harvey because everybody I know has been asking if we’re okay in …