
RED ALERT: North Korea can now NUKE the United States (Audio)

North Korea has now successfully launched a satellite into Earth orbit, demonstrating to the entire world that it has the technology to deliver a nuclear weapon to North America. Such a weapon could be detonated at high altitude as an EMP weapon, thrusting regions of the USA into the Dark Ages with no power, no Read More


North Korean satellite currently in the precise position to launch a nation-killing EMP attack against the United States

North Korea’s KMS-3 satellite has been passing over the United States almost everyday for several weeks now. Dubbed by one expert as the “problem from hell,” the satellite continues to drift over America from the south, an area said to be particularly vulnerable to an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. In wake of North Korea’s proclamation that it has successfully conducted Read More

hydrogen bomb

North Korea’s nuclear test shocks the world

The United States and allies will determine in weeks to come whether North Korea conducted a successful hydrogen bomb test, as they claim. If true, it marks a milestone for the reclusive regime, and presents a major challenge to leaders worldwide about what to do about it. “They have pretty much surrounded North Korea” with Read More