California’s minimum wage hike causing mass exodus, implosion in the garment industry… economic suicide is now official policy
California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation on April 5, 2016 that would raise the hourly minimum wage in California to $15.00. Translated, an individual working at McDonald’s forty hours a week (minus taxes, SSI, etc.) would bring home $31,200. That’s a far cry from the $7.25 minimum wage still in effect in many states. This new price hike won’t take Read More

American families are now spending so much money on taxes that it outweighs what they spend on food, housing and clothing COMBINED
Are you feeling a bit stretched in your finances? Despite the current lower prices at the pump, you’ve probably noticed food prices inching higher and higher, an untamed electric bill and more expensive office and school supplies. Additionally, according to a report filed by the Tax Foundation, your taxes are also taking a bigger slice: “Americans will pay Read More