Swedish government covered up rape crimes of refugees just like liberal U.S. cities cover up rape and murder crimes of illegals
Political correctness and absurd Leftism is getting scores of Europeans – mostly women – hurt and putting scores more at risk. As reported by Breitbart London, a wave of sex crimes committed by thousands of younger male migrants from the Middle East and North Africa is spreading throughout the European continent, and what’s more, uber-Leftist Read More

Experts: China still lacks the capability to invade Taiwan, but that is changing
(NationalSecurity.news) Despite threats to take Taiwan by force if the government there ever formally declared itself an independent nation, China does not have the capacity to actually invade the island – yet. That was the conclusion of a panel of experts speaking recently at the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C., in response to the election Read More

Gaddafi tried to warn the West about Middle Eastern migrant invasion before being bombed by the Obama Administration
Before the Obama Administration and its NATO allies waged an illegal war in Libya, enacting a “no-fly” zone and bombing the country’s dictator, resulting in his death, Islamic terrorism was significantly more controlled than it is today. Presently, Libya is overrun with violence accompanied by extreme human rights abuses as it’s become a safe haven Read More

Syrians headed for the US arrested in Honduras for carrying fake passports
In the wake of the November 13 Paris attacks orchestrated by terrorists possibly linked to ISIS, Honduran authorities have reportedly arrested five Syrians intending to travel to the United States with stolen Greek passports. The Syrians, who have now been detained and are under investigation, failed to make it past airport security checks, according to police spokesman Read More