We Will See The Spread Of Tyrannical Governments
CDC raises the alert level to 1. NSA will merge offensive and defensive cyber attacks. France just included the state of emergency in its constitution. Government is completely controlling the people. North Korea’s satellite is now in orbit. France using Russian footage of bombings in Syria, the US did the same. Kerry is pushing for Read More

Reporter claims there’s only one country that the Islamic State is afraid to fight
When fighters belonging to the self-declared caliphate of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria rolled into action in the region, they looked unstoppable. Brutal and determined, and in the face of lackluster resistance, the terror army carved out a sizable portion of land from two nation-states that included infrastructure and economic assets. Even now, Read More

Iraqi official claims Western-supplied terrorist group carried out false-flag bombing on mosque to inflame Sunni–Shiite relations
(NaturalNews) Tensions continue to escalate in the Middle East after Saudi Arabia cut ties with Tehran following the execution of a prominent Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr by Saudi authorizes. Nimr and 46 others were killed in a single day on terrorism charges, inciting anger among many and resulting in a division along sectarian lines. Protests Read More