DNI contradicts Obama, others, regarding the threat ISIS poses of launching ‘Paris-style attack’ in U.S.
(NationalSecurity.news) The head of the U.S. intelligence community says that the Islamic State most definitely possesses the capability to launch a “Paris-style attack” in a major U.S. city, a claim which contradicts early statements made by President Obama and others within his administration. As noted by the World Tribune, James Clapper, director of national intelligence, Read More

National intelligence chief knew that ISIS assessments were skewed to look overly optimistic for the administration: Report
(NationalSecurity.news) The Office of the Director of National Intelligence was made aware that assessments of military action against the Islamic State were manipulated, making them appear overly optimistic so the Obama administration would look better, The Daily Beast reported exclusively this week. Those complaints, which came from analysts at U.S. Central Command in 2015, are in addition Read More

Intelligence director: ISIS is the greatest non-state threat to the U.S., allies
(NationalSecurity.news) The director of national intelligence told a congressional panel this week that the greatest non-state threat facing the U.S. and its allies is the Islamic State, even though American-led and Russian airstrikes against it has weakened its hold on Syrian and Iraqi territory in recent weeks. Calling ISIS the “most significant” non-state threat, DNI Read More

U.S. intelligence director says online threats growing as more nations dedicate resources to cyber warfare
(NationalSecurity.news) Director of National Security James Clapper told a House panel Sept. 10 that cyber threats to U.S. military, civilian, corporate and financial infrastructure are growing exponentially, as well as becoming much more sophisticated. In testimony[PDF] before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Clapper said threats from cyberattacks and hacking to U.S. national and Read More