SC lawmakers consider forcing journalists to register with the state to eliminate freedom of the press
South Carolina is considered a “red state” – that is, one whose legislature is dominated, supposedly, by small-government conservatives and whose governor, Nikki Haley, was a darling of the Tea Party when she was running for her first term. In fact, one of the most conservative of all U.S. senators, Tim Scott, was appointed by Read More

Obama Set To Put In New Law That Can Put Everyone In Jail (Video)
In this video Luke Rudkowski documents the biggest legal change in privacy law that will have a profound affect on the American way of life. We go over Obama’s new guidelines that will allow the NSA to share all of your private information with other federal agencies for domestic policing. This means the IRS, DEA, Read More

Free Pete Santilli, an independent media journalist jailed by the Obama regime! (Audio)
Pete Santilli is a political prisoner of the Obama regime, a totalitarian system of oppression that now CRIMINALIZES speech that’s critical of the federal government. Pete Santilli was arrested by the FBI in Oregon because of his independent journalism reporting on the BLM land grab from ranchers. The FBI didn’t like what Pete said, so Read More