Another Monsanto shill EXPOSED: University of Illinois professor caught in dirty financial scheme
Monsanto’s history of spreading chemical death has been well documented. Following the Viet Nam war, their portfolio was so toxic, they divested themselves of Agent Orange, DDT and PCBs. What remained was their best seller, the ubiquitous glyphosate-based Round Up herbicide. With White House support, a squashing of scientific opposition and billions invested over two decades, they Read More

Monsanto, WebMD and academic shills all conspire to mislead the public and game the search engines: Secret emails now public
In January 2015, Lisa Drake of the Monsanto Company wrote Professor Kevin Folta a conspiratorial email, asking for a little favor that would involve doing a blog on biotechnology (GMOs) for WebMD. Her email said, “that won’t stop me from asking another favor.” This favor was just one of many from the Monsanto Company, which donated Read More