Monsanto has known for over 35 years that its glyphosate-soaked ‘food’ causes cancer
Most folks who comprehend the GMO fraud know this basic fact. In 1992, FDA scientists’ thought there could be unknown toxins and other dangers in these foods. There comments were ignored. For the uninitiated, Steven Druker’s book, “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth,” is a dynamic expose of the con job forced upon American’s digestive systems. Yet Monsanto, who ruled the White House in 1992, had already known Read More

Hillary Clinton gives Big Pharma a total pass on victims of vaccine violence while saying gun manufacturers should be held responsible for victims of gun violence
To read more about Hillary Clinton News, please go to Clinton.news for all the latest updates I do not understand the rabid millennial female support for Mrs. Clinton. But then again, these young women weren’t of age when the foundations of the nuclear family were being dismantled. The Rockefeller funded idea of a “strong, independent, bring Read More

Unconscionable Merck operative tried to bury scientific study revealing harm caused by Gardasil
What is the scientific method? Here is how the Free Dictionary defines the process: “The principles and empirical processes of discovery and demonstration considered characteristic of or necessary for scientific investigation, generally involving the observation of phenomena, the formulation of a hypothesis concerning the phenomena, experimentation to demonstrate the truth or falseness of the hypothesis, and a Read More