Georgia woman suing Snapchat for ‘tempting her to speed,’ because she was using the app when she crashed her car
This story is supposed to be about a women flying down the highway over 100 miles per hour and plowing into another vehicle, whose driver is now brain damaged. Even more egregious, the driver that caused the crash was allegedly grabbing a photo via her Snapchat app. But maybe she wasn’t, according to WFSB.com: “A lawsuit filed in Spalding County claims Snapchat tempted a woman Read More

U.S. Dairy industry petitions to secretly add chemical sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose) to products – without labeling them
As regular readers of NaturalNews are aware, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration doesn’t have our best interests at heart when it comes to setting food and drug policies. Part of the reason for that is because the agency is populated with big government sycophants who believe their mission in life is to control everything Read More

Montage captures 140 times Obama has lied to Americans during State of the Union speeches
Everyone except his most adoring, Kool-Aid-drinking fans, know that President Obama has an honesty problem. Just the lies he told about his Affordable Care Act so he could get it passed were epic. You can keep your doctor. Except when you can’t because your doctor doesn’t participate in your new plan. We’re going to work Read More

Caught on camera: MSNBC journalist feeds Clinton adviser questions before interview begins… it’s all theatrics
In what appears to be the latest reason as to why tens of millions of Americans no longer watch or rely on mainstream news, MSNBC demonstrated clearly how it became the least-watched of the mainstream cable news channels. As reported by Breitbart News, on a recent Sunday evening following the most recent Democratic presidential debate Read More

New Jersey crime lab chemist caught falsifying test results calling thousands of criminal cases into question
Kamalkant Shah, a lab technician who worked at a New Jersey State Police drug testing unit between 2005 and 2015, was caught fabricating test results late last year, calling into question the verdict of nearly 8,000 criminal cases that he had previously worked on. The integrity of Shah’s work was called into question in December Read More