Under AG Loretta Lynch, the federal government allows police to unconstitutionally confiscate your possessions… Even if you HAVEN’T been arrested or charged
We live in a burgeoning police state where trained mercenaries with flashing lights can pull you off the side of any highway, ask you how much money you have in your vehicle, take it from you, and not charge you with a crime. Robbery and extortion now has a quaint fuzzy name – “The Equitable Sharing Program.” Of course what they Read More

Loretta Lynch admits that Climate Change deniers may be targeted with legal action by the government
How desperate are the Left-wing authoritarians in the Obama administration getting to push their global warming/climate change hoax? Desperate enough, apparently, to consider prosecuting anyone who dares to question their climate change orthodoxy, even if they do so with facts on their side. According to The Blaze, Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified before a Read More

Obama’s Speech Gestapo Democrats attempt to criminalize criticism of Muslims, while encouraging persecution of Christians, conservatives, gun owners and libertarians
The GOP bills itself as the party of small government (well, okay, it used to). Libertarians like to think of themselves as belonging to the party of the Constitution. The Democrat Party seriously ought to rename itself the party of the anti-American totalitarian, as a recent piece of Democrat legislation once again demonstrates. As reported Read More