Major financial institutions buying up precious metals in anticipation of dollar collapse
For decades the global financial elite have pooh-poohed the notion that buying gold, silver and other precious metals was a good hedge against a financial collapse. That could have been because the world’s financial elite are also the world’s financial puppeteers, rigging the game in their favor at the expense of the average Joe and Read More

Emergency economic red alert (Audio)
This is an emergency economic alert issued to readers and fans of NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com. The global financial implosion is now very near. Many catastrophic signs now point to a coming wave of economic and financial devastation: * The plummeting of the Baltic Dry Index to record lows, indicating that global manufacturing of consumer goods Read More

Get ready for a bigger financial meltdown, says Doug Casey
Economic expert Doug Casey warns of a looming financial meltdown bigger and longer than before by the end of the year. As quoted by USA Watchdog, Casey asserts that “All these central bankers are doing the same stupid things. . . . The American central bank, the Europeans, Japanese and the Chinese have all printed trillions of new currency Read More

Chinese authorities arrest top fund manager for insider trading, shoots his partner for resisting
China’s Xu Xiang, who heads Shanghai-based Zexi Investment, has been likened both to Warren Buffet and Carl Icahn, given his reputation as an excellent profit-maker in the Chinese equity fund market. According to Want China Times, “The fund is reported to currently manage more than 10 billion yuan (US$1.6 billion).” In addition to this, Zexi also Read More

California faces $12-billion deficit pending China stock market crash
California’s state of affairs continues to weaken amidst increased tax rates, absurd regulations and enormous welfare payouts, such as its decision to fund healthcare for undocumented minors, forcing the middle class onto the brink of extinction. Taking its place is the “one percent,” as California houses more billionaires than any other state. These billionaires pay Read More

Economists brace for market crash: “Building up to catastrophe of historic proportions”
Is the collapse imminent, and our very way of life under threat of total global meltdown? Perhaps the signs and warnings are there, at every level, for those who want to see it. (Article by Mac Slavo republished from SHTFplan.com.) An outright panic has taken hold over many who see September 2015 as a convergence Read More

HAPPENING NOW: China’s unfolding market crash resembles 1929’s Black Thursday, plunging world economy into depression
Chinese stocks are believed to drop 9 percent again in the next four to five days. The losses could be as bad as the losses that occurred during U.S. exchanges in the Wall Street crash of 1929, according to Thomas DeMark, founder and CEO of DeMark Analytics. DeMark reports that the upheaval on the Shanghai Read More