Cancer industry set to profit off new Medicare proposition that gives financial incentive for doctor’s to recommend the most expensive prescription brands
You know that cancer is a multi billion dollar industry. Since President Nixon’s decision to create the war on cancer back in 1971, it’s only increased. That’s what happens when the government needs an excuse to create that which they declare they are against. Remember the “war” on poverty, drugs and our current 24/7 charade, the one Read More

Officials refuse to disclose list of 11 Obamacare co-ops nearing collapse
Barely two years after their launch in 2013, nine of the original 24 Obamacare co-ops have already been deemed failures – with an additional 11 more nearing collapse, as well. Although federal officials have already identified these 11 co-ops, the list remains shrouded in secrecy as they refuse to divulge information to the public. Officials Read More

When Medicare computer systems fail, the medication supply across America will implode
The abstract world of cyberspace has given hackers a new means to wage war on the masses. As more and more people are becoming dependent upon medicare, a cyber attack could create a glitch in the Medicare system, which would prevent millions of people from obtaining their medication. The fact that computer hackers can disrupt Read More