Poison from above? Aerial spraying of mosquito-fighting pesticides has been shown to increase the risks of autism
Children residing in a region of New York State that uses aerial pesticides to maintain mosquitoes have an increased risk for autism in comparison to children living outside the area, according to a new study. In the recent study, presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies 2016 meeting, the researchers reviewed autism rates and developmental delays Read More

Thousands of veterans denied access to care following discharge
(BigGovernment.news) Thousands of veterans, including former frontline combat soldiers and those suffering from mental health problems, are being denied medical treatment and other services because they received less than honorable discharges, a new report released Wednesday reveals. Veterans who served from 2001 were nearly twice as likely as those who served during Vietnam to be barred Read More

One in five adult New Yorkers suffers from mental health problems
As reported by Reuters, a white paper recently released by New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene revealed that “at least one in five adult New Yorkers suffer from depression, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts or other psychological disorders every year.” By the end of the month, the department expects to release a plan, Read More

Fukushima disaster sparks rise in suicide and spontaneous abortion rates
An estimated 2,000 people died during the Fukushima evacuation process in 2011. More than four years later, the Fukushima power plant is still claiming lives. Reports reveal that the disaster has been linked to a spike in suicide rates and spontaneous abortions. According to a Japanese Cabinet Office report, approximately 56 suicides between 2011 and Read More