Government has total control over media, laments celebrated German journalist… not allowed to say anything critical about refugees
The refugee-migrant crisis in Europe is getting worse, but you might not know that because many media outlets on the continent, especially those in the hardest-hit countries, are being prevented by their governments from reporting the truth. As reported by Breitbart News London, a former media boss at a major German state broadcast company has admitted Read More

Swedish police ordered to withhold criminal suspects’ ethnicity to avoid being “racist”
Migrant-related crime, mostly in the form of assaults – and most of those in the form of sexual assaults against women – are getting out of hand in Europe, thanks to the inability of Left-leaning governments who created the problem due to generous immigration policies, even though they will not admit there is one. In Read More

Swedish government covered up rape crimes of refugees just like liberal U.S. cities cover up rape and murder crimes of illegals
Political correctness and absurd Leftism is getting scores of Europeans – mostly women – hurt and putting scores more at risk. As reported by Breitbart London, a wave of sex crimes committed by thousands of younger male migrants from the Middle East and North Africa is spreading throughout the European continent, and what’s more, uber-Leftist Read More

Why is Saudi Arabia buying so much U.S. farmland?
As the American Southwest continues to suffer through a punishing drought, a number of area residents – especially U.S. farmers – are becoming increasingly frustrated by the fact that the government of Saudi Arabia is buying up large tracts of farmland, using precious water to grow food that is ultimately shipped back to the Arab Read More

The Fall of Europe: Migrant responds to anti-rape training… by committing rape
More and more Europeans are beginning to rethink the continent’s generosity towards the hundreds of thousands of migrants EU nations have allowed in after realizing that a meshing of cultures just might not be possible. Following a series of rapes and assaults committed by migrants against European women, a number of EU countries responded not Read More

Migrants taking advantage of Europe’s socialist-style healthcare threaten to collapse economy
Leaders and citizens of Muslim nations have lamented the impurities and inequities of the West on numerous occasions, but increasingly, as the Middle East falls apart, they seem incredibly willing to partake of its generosity, advanced societies and technology. Hypocrisy, it seems, trumps ideology when desperation sets in. However, the West – especially economically teetering Read More

Reporter claims there’s only one country that the Islamic State is afraid to fight
When fighters belonging to the self-declared caliphate of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria rolled into action in the region, they looked unstoppable. Brutal and determined, and in the face of lackluster resistance, the terror army carved out a sizable portion of land from two nation-states that included infrastructure and economic assets. Even now, Read More

How Iran and Russia conspired to start World War III
(NationalSecurity.news) Russia and Iran’s entry into the Syrian civil war was no spur-of-the-moment decision but rather the result of months of careful planning as a means of rescuing a faltering President Bashar al-Assad, while preserving at all costs the lone port that Moscow has in the Mediterranean. At a meeting in the Russian capital in Read More

Russia on the move in the Middle East: Has World War III begun?
(NationalSecurity.news) The United States and Russia agreed to urgent talks in order to find ways to avoid conflict in Syria a day after Moscow’s warplanes launched their first attack against what American intelligence officials say were concentrations of anti-regime rebels. On Thursday, the UK’s Daily Mail reported that Russian officials said warplanes had launched strikes Read More