Big Pharma set to start microchipping drugs
Wait, what? Yes, it’s true; the age of the pharmaceutical microchip has arrived. Novartis AG, one of the world’s biggest of the Big Pharmas, said in 2010 that it planned to begin embedding microchips in its medications as a means of creating “smart pills.” The technology was licensed from Proteus Biomedical of Redwood City, Calif., Read More

National Cancer Institute admits millions of cancer patients never had cancer at all: Total fraud of cancer diagnosis unveiled with zero apologies and zero media coverage
(Signup now for FREE to attend the online Natural Cancer Prevention Summit, beginning May 16th) A few years ago, a dear friend was “diagnosed” with ductal carcinoma in situ, conveniently labeled as an early form of breast cancer. She didn’t opt for chemotherapy or radiation and she did many alternative treatments. Eventually, she was sold a bill Read More

Extortion now being used to further the censorship of the documentary, Vaxxed, across the U.S.
Bribery and extortion are well worn themes used to stamp out truth. The Pharisees paid Judas Iscariot a mere thirty pieces of silver. The love of money is the root of all evil and our Big Pharma vaccine industry does whatever it can to protect its billions of death induced vials. In the case of the documentary Read More

Big Mac no more? Listen to the Health Ranger’s take on the McDonald’s empire’s imminent collapse
Fast food giant McDonald’s is on the brink of collapse, if the claims of its own franchisees are any indication of what’s about to happen in the near future. “We are in the throes of a deep depression, and nothing is changing,” one franchisee wrote in response to a recently conducted survey on the fast food chain. Read More

The depopulation agenda explained by Mike Adams on Northwest Liberty News
During a recent appearance with James White of Northwest Liberty News, the editor of NaturalNews, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, discussed a topic that few Americans fully realize or understand: The radical agenda of depopulation that is being pursued by egalitarian elitists, globalists, corporatists and others who see the coming robot revolution and understand that Read More

The Health Ranger Report: Sell your stocks now, before it’s too late
“Sell, sell, sell!” Despite mainstream media reports to the contrary, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, strongly urges all those who own stocks, bonds and mutual funds to start selling their investments, given the threat of a market crash looming on the horizon. Adams forecasts that the recent market rise will be one of our last Read More

The Health Ranger Report: ISIS is coming to America — how prepared are we?
In a prophetic interview released two days before the Paris attacks, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, warned against the threat of “European refugees being ‘activated’ to carry out massacre attacks.”[1] Now, Adams gives the public yet another warning — and this time around, it’s directed specifically toward the United States. The possible attacks against America, according to Read More