Pfc. Janelle Zalkovsky of the Civil Affairs Unit, 1st Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, 101st Airborne provides security while other Soldiers survey a newly constructed road in Ibriam Jaffes, Iraq, Dec. 4, 2005. The road project was initiated by the Civil Affairs Unit and cooperation with local officials to provide better access to the village from other main travel routes.(U.S. Army photo by Spc. Charles W. Gill) (Released)

U.S. military being taken over by political correctness, destroying combat readiness

In a recent video posted on his Facebook page, former Army drill sergeant and combat veteran John Burk detailed some of the reasons why he decided to get out of the military a few months back (Caution: Strong language). “First and foremost… I don’t hate the military, I don’t hate the Army, but I hate Read More

Military camp

Feminist Left-wing agenda continues to decide what women want for themselves: combat roles now may lead to women in the draft…

Feminism began as a political movement in the turbulent 1960s to get women equal pay and treatment in the workplace, but it has arrived at a point that very likely horrifies and offends a great many American women today. Namely, being so equal to men as to be required to register with the Selective Service Read More


Over 20 soldiers dead, more than 200 hospitalized after U.S. lab leaks ‘new and deadly virus’ in Ukraine

If you haven’t heard – and judging by the lack of coverage of this by the legacy media, you haven’t – a U.S. lab is being blamed for what would amount to an atrocity if it were committed on American soil. As noted by Zero Hedge and reported by Ukrainian media, scores of soldiers were Read More


Why isn’t Congress serious about cybersecurity?

( The White House last week formally proposed a $3.1 billion upgrade to government information technology systems as part of a plan that aimed at bolstering efficiency but also improving cybersecurity following several high-profile hacks in recent years, but Congress doesn’t seem interested in fixing the problems. The Obama administration had previously included the IT Read More

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Thousands of veterans denied access to care following discharge

( Thousands of veterans, including former frontline combat soldiers and those suffering from mental health problems, are being denied medical treatment and other services because they received less than honorable discharges, a new report released Wednesday reveals. Veterans who served from 2001 were nearly twice as likely as those who served during Vietnam to be barred Read More

China Shenyang J-31 Lockheed Martin F-35 knockoff clone

China clones military weapons from the U.S., Russia

Handbags, smartphones, movies, beverages and, now, even military technology — China’s copycat culture has taken itself to new heights if its weapons systems are any indication. China’s growing military assertiveness has now been strengthened by weapons cloned from other countries’ technologies. For instance, U.S. aircraft Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and Northrop Grumman X-47B Read More

War explosion

The military-industrial complex: 201 armed conflicts started by U.S. since World War II

People around the world have consistently named the United States as the biggest obstacle to peace, but how did we get this reputation? The answer: the military-industrial complex. Since World War II, the United States has been involved in over 248 armed conflicts around the world, 201 of which we were effectively the initiator. The U.S is responsible Read More


The next region where the U.S. and Russia could clash is the Arctic

( As models predict temperatures to warm somewhat around the polar ice cap, the region’s natural resources – oil, gas, minerals – will become more accessible. With that in mind, there is already a race on between great powers to stake claims to those resources. In particular, Reuters reports, the United States, with its regional Read More


Largest joint Russian-Chinese naval drills aim to counter U.S. influence in Asia

( The Russian and Chinese navies are set to hold their largest joint exercises ever, featuring scores of warships, hundreds of troops and an amphibious landing, in what appears to be a deepening of ties meant to counter a rising U.S. military presence in Asia. As reported by the U.S. Naval Institute (USNI), the drills Read More