Mein Kampf to be reprinted in Germany as desperate citizens become increasingly nationalistic amid invasion of Middle Eastern migrants
After 70 years of publishing prohibition, one of the most controversial books of all time is finally back in print. The re-release of Mein Kampf, an autobiography of Adolf Hitler, isn’t being received well by everyone, of course, but the timing couldn’t be more apropos considering the turmoil of Europe’s ongoing migrant invasion. On the Read More

Mexican cartels aided by Obama Administration take control of U.S. Southwest as government fails to defend national sovereignty
(NationalSecurity.news) An Arizona sheriff has claimed that vast portions of his state are essentially a no man’s land, as no jurisdiction – his included – has real “operational control.” When asked who had control over regions near Florence, Ariz., by a reporter for Breitbart News, Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu answered flatly, “Nobody does.” Babeu Read More