Former Facebook employees admit to the routine censorship of news stories; artificial injection of government propaganda into trending news list
Some former “news curators” for social media giant Facebook admitted recently what many in the alternative media have thought for quite some time: That the company skews its news coverage to favor certain Left-wing political positions. In an interview with Gizmodo, one of the curators – who remained anonymous – said that they routinely suppressed Read More

Pharma companies use TPP to extend their monopolies (Video)
Brand-name prescription drug prices have doubled in the last five years, according to a new report. Now some public health groups and organizations say things could get worse, if the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal delays the introduction of generic drugs. RT America’s Ed Schultz speaks with Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, about Read More

Florida nuclear plant leaking radiation into Atlantic Ocean (Video)
Scientists in Florida say that a Miami nuclear power plant is leaking radiation into a bay along the Atlantic Coast, leading to criticism of the facility and America’s nuclear infrastructure. RT America’s Marina Portnaya has more details on the report and what people hope will change in the near future.

Obama Set To Put In New Law That Can Put Everyone In Jail (Video)
In this video Luke Rudkowski documents the biggest legal change in privacy law that will have a profound affect on the American way of life. We go over Obama’s new guidelines that will allow the NSA to share all of your private information with other federal agencies for domestic policing. This means the IRS, DEA, Read More